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by Edward Bloor

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There were parts of the book that did not connect to the overall plot, like the hook, and the end was very unfinished and rushed, but overall the plot/story was very engagine!

10 Gulab Jamuns
by Sandhya Acharya

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It was a very good book. My favorite part was counting to 10, 7 and 4.

Riley Thorn And The Corpse In The Closet
by Lucy Score

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This is the 2nd book in the Riley Thorne series by Lucy Score. I have enjoyed aal 3 books and found them entertaining and funny. I would read them in order if possible book 1 ends and book 2 picks up.

by Elsie Silver

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the book was good but because it was a romance book there was a lack in plotline and fell flat at the end

Making Friends
by Kristen Gudsnuk

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I like that at the end she made friends. It made me feel grossed out because in one part she kisses somebody.

The Alloy Of Law
by Brandon Sanderson

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This book had a lot of Misborn references and did a good job updating the world. The plot wasn't as big as the previous series, but the characters are a lot of fun. Wayne is funny.

Big Nate Mr Popularity
by Lincoln Pierce

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AMAZING BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Last White Man
by Mohsin Hamid

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This is a quick novel that is thought provoking. People will experience it differently based on their identity and the type of community they live in. Well worth reading.

Murder At La Villette
by Cara Black

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I love Cara Black's mysteries and the fact they take place in Paris which I have visited

Fourth Wing
by Rebecca Yarros

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I loved the magical/fantasy story - great characters and worldbuilding. I could have dinner without the "spicy romance" parts, which somehow seemed gratuitous/unnecessary and took me out of the story a bit.