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Fall Of Ruin And Wrath
by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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A book for people who enjoy no plot and like extremely corny and difficult to read about characters.

The House Of Wolves
by James Patterson

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Fast-paced family drama....football fans will enjoy it!

Israel: The Blessing or the Curse
by John McTernan and Bill Koenig

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Scary book! Considering how our Presidents have been messing with God's covenant land, it's a wonder that God has not reduced this country to a third-world country. Israel is not to trade its land for promises of peace.

Who Gets In And Why
by Jeffrey Selingo

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I have a junior in college and a junior in high school and I thought this book provides some useful information. For those who do not have an appropriately cynical view of higher education, this book may be enlightening. I was not surprised to learn that what I learned from my experiences working in an admissions office at a highly selective college in the 1980s remains pretty much unchanged 40 years later. The fundamental lesson from this book is that there's no magic formula for all colleges. There are many many more qualified applicants for every College then they can accept and the ones who get acceptance letters are often based on factors beyond their control and more about the colleges than about the students. Parents need to relax about where their kids go to college because there are a lot of great colleges and your kids will get a great education almost anywhere they go as long as they want to get a great education.

The Women Of The Copper Country
by Mary Doria Russell

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I very much enjoyed this novel. I learned so much about a part of our nation's history that I hadn't really thought about before. Ms. Russell is a wonderful storyteller!

Dark One
by Brandon Sanderson

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This is the first book of a new graphic novel series by Brandon Sanderson. The artwork is phenomenal It is rich and detailed. This volume is really the introduction of the characters, the worlds and the background of the story.

I'm Glad My Mom Died
by Jennette McCurdy

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It was very hard for me to put this book down. I finished it in a week. Could be triggering for those with eating disorders and certain traumas especially those endured during childhood.

Looking For Love In All The Haunted Places
by Claire Kann

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A really different and strange romance. Yet I had to stay up late to finish reading it.

Realm Breaker
by Victoria Aveyard

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High fantastic adventure story. Protagonist is a teenage girl. Character development is marginal. The author has atendancey to lapse into long passages of exposition making the book hard to read. These chunks of description could have been replaced with the characters experiencing the settings. This would also help with character development. The story was fairly predictable and the motivations of the characters doesn't always make sense. I am not sure if I will continue this series. My expectations may be unreasonably elevated sine I have just been reading Brendan Sanderson, Robert Jordan and Leigh Bardugo.

In sunshine and In Shadow
by Rhys Bowen and Clare Broyles

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A good mystery but gave information about Jewish Bungalow resorts outside of New York City. This was in the early 20th century